9 studies in 1 and 2 Kings
Look forward to King Jesus' perfect rule and kingdom as you look back at the rise of King Solomon—and his fall. 8 studies for individuals or groups.
Six studies unpacking this gripping part of history, and showing why, and how, to follow the King God has chosen.
Des Smith guides you through 1 Samuel, showing how the earliest days of kingship in Israel prepared the way for Jesus, God’s true king. (9 studies)
12 studies on Daniel, entitled Spiritual Living in a Secular World
Vivid imagery and stories teach us much about the King of kings. (9 studies)
Reveals the secret of David’s success, the reasons for his failures and how he points to the ultimate king, Jesus. 6 studies for individuals or groups.
12 studies in Deuteronomy to help us learn to follow God more closely
Learn from Elijah about living in an increasingly threatening world. 8 studies
Who are you when no one's looking? 9 studies
Learn from God's magnificent rescue of Esther and her people that His plans always triumph. 7 studies for individuals or groups.