A charismatic fisherman struggling with debt. A troubled woman wrestling with demons. A gifted accountant ostracised from his family and people.
In this ground-breaking first season of The Chosen see how Jesus reaches each of these and more as He works His first miracles and embarks on His ministry to change the world. See Him through the eyes of those who knew Him. A powerful resource for watching alone or with others in a church or group setting
For fans of Biblical Drama, The Chosen gives viewers an authentic look at the life of Jesus and those who knew him and is a powerful resource for watching alone or with others in a church or group setting.
Disc One:
- I Have Called You by Name
- Shabbat
- Jesus Loves the Little Children
- The Rock on Which it is Built
- Bonus: The Shepherd - Christmas Special
Disc Two:
- The Wedding Gift
- Indescribable Compassion
- Invitations
- I am He
- Bonus: A Message from the Director