In the final installment of the Sensible Shoes series, you're invited to travel with beloved friends as they endure trials that test their trust and their willingness to walk an extra mile.
An eight week course of daily readings and reflections, together with weekly discussion questions and suggested practices for groups to do together
Join the women of the Sensible Shoes Club in a poignant story that reveals the joy that comes from laying our lives at the feet of God and standing barefoot on holy ground.
Twelve weeks of daily devotions with weekly discussion questions and practices for groups to do together
In this sequel to Shades of Light and Remember Me, fans of the Sensible Shoes series will not only be able to attend Katherine's final retreat sessions at New Hope but also encounter old and new friends along the way
An eight-week study guide offering an opportunity to reflect on how the experiences of the characters in the novel Feathers of hope resonate with your own experience
In this sequel to Shades of Light, Katherine Rhodes, the beloved director of the New Hope Retreat Center, finds her own grief tapped by Wren Crawford's struggles with depression and loss.
Tells the moving story of four strangers as they embark together on a journey of spiritual formation
Companion journal to Sensible Shoes, perfect for personal reflection times or retreats
2 guides based on the novel Sensible Shoes - help with leading the 12 week study guide and all you need to lead a Sensible Shoes retreat
Twelve weeks of daily Scripture reading, prayer, and reflection questions that correspond to the disciplines the women practice in Sensible Shoes
Wren Crawford is a social worker seeking healing with from anxiety and depression