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Church partnerships

Church partnership arrangements

Our mission is to resource the local church wherever we can, and a great way to do that is to partner with us. All our partner organisations have an account and goods can be invoiced on the instruction of nominated signatories. All invoices should be paid within 30 days.

Discounts will be available to account holders on qualifying purchases.

We also offer full Sale or Return (SoR) facilities for special events and for regular church bookstalls. As a guide we suggest that 25% of the value of the goods on S.O.R. should be sold but have no other restriction on the quantity taken. 

We believe we can offer the keenest prices available and our objective is to make resources available to our partner churches at the best possible prices and in the quickest time possible.


One-off events

Are you looking for someone to run the bookstall at your event?  We love attending events and can provide focused bookstalls to fully support them. Call us on 07396 825097 to discuss your requirements.