Discover how a story of defeat, told by the very people who suffered it, can be of value today and equip us for every good work in this updated edition of The Message of 1 & 2 Kings, part of the Bible Speaks Today series of commentaries
Shows how these books are a vital part of God's Word, full of teaching that is dynamically relevant for all Christian believers, in this revised edition in the Bible Speaks Today series of commentaries
Discover the Message of 1 Corinthians with David Prior - resources for life in the local church
Peter shows us what the story of Jesus' life means for us as we take up our cross and follow him, in this classic exposition by Raymond Brown
Truth matters. John Stott expounds this truth in this classic exposition of 1 Timothy and Titus
God's power is made perfect in our weakness - discover that truth in this exposition of 2 Corinthians
2 Peter and Jude have a powerful message for the church today, expounded here by Dick Lucas and Chris Green
John Stott writes, ‘During the gestation of this book I seem to have lived inside the second letter of Paul to Timothy.'
How does the life of the early church help us live as Christians today? John Stott unpacks Acts in this readable and relevant Bible commentary
An exposition of the Prophet Amos, in which his call to relevant faith is championed
Commentary on 1 and 2 Chronicles from this well-respected series
Discover fullness and freedom in these two letters of Paul