The drama of a novel meets scholarship in this classic work about the apostle Paul.
Short biographies of the apostles of Jesus
A fun and engaging picture book exploring some of the extraordinary women found in the Bible
This richly detailed account of the life and times of Abraham adds life and depth to our understanding of this pivotal figure in God's plan of salvation - both for us and for the whole world
A masterful retelling of the gospel story from the perspective of Judas Iscariot.
Short, accessible introduction to the historical Jesus and his continuing influence on the world and how we understand it.
Who was Jesus Christ, and how did he make such an astonishing impact that still resonates today?
Everyone knows the story of Joseph in the Bible – but what meaning does it have for Christians today?
Tom Wright traces Paul's career from zealous persecutor of the fledgling church, through his journeys as the world's greatest missionary theologian to his likely death as a Christian martyr at the hands of Nero in the mid 60s AD
Tom Wright traces Paul's career from zealous persecutor of the fledgling church, through his journeys as the world's greatest missionary theologian to his likely death as a Christian martyr at the hands of Nero in the mid 60s AD