A rich portrayal of living faithfully and happily as a Christian with same-sex attraction that paints a compelling picture of discipleship for every believer.
Examines the arguments used to claim that the Bible affirms same-sex relationships.
If you struggle with same-sex attraction, or know someone who does, then this book is for you.
Compassionate, biblical, thought-provoking, and accessible guide for Christians who want help navigating issues related to the transgender conversation
Can women and men both lead, or are they designed for different roles? This question has been a topic of heated debate and controversy for many years, with implications for the Church and society.
Read in order to understand. Read in order to hope. Or read in order, like Jackie, to be made new.
A biblical, biological and compassionate response
A sensitive exploration of the Bible's teaching on sex and relationships, and how the gospel is good news for everyone, whatever their sexual orientation
Explores how someone for whom the Bible is central can hold an including view of same-sex relationships and marriage on the basis of the biblical text
Helps parents to teach young children what the Bible says about sexuality proactively and positively in a culture with contrasting ideas and values
Challenges those on all sides of the homosexuality debate to consider what the Bible says and how we should approach the topic of in light of it