9 studies in 1 and 2 Kings
12 studies in Peter and Jude show us what it takes to be mature in Christ.
Eight Bible studies for small groups which explore 1 and 2 Thessalonians, helping us to live in the light of Jesus' return
11 studies demonstrating that Paul's confidence in the gospel models hope and leadership in some difficult situations
The guides in this series are designed to help you understand the Bible in fresh ways under the guidance of one of the world’s leading New Testament scholars.
13 studies for groups or individuals that address the challenge of fellowship life together
8 studies - see how Christ-centred, Christ-inspired love can turn a church around
7 studies for individuals or groups. See how the gospel transforms and challenges the church in Corinth, and your church today
Eight Bible studies for small groups which explore the book of 1 Corinthians
Find out how to continue in Christ from 1 John, so that we will be confident and unashamed when he returns. Seven studies for individuals or groups.
Look forward to King Jesus' perfect rule and kingdom as you look back at the rise of King Solomon—and his fall. 8 studies for individuals or groups.
Discover how to live on the way home to your glorious inheritance—with joy and hope in the face of hardships. Six studies for individuals or groups.