A practical guidebook for small-group leaders, whether you’re starting out, already established or handing over.
Those leading churches face many challenges through which the church must still be cared for. This volume contains three booklets giving principles and direction for a caring leadership facing different tensions
A practical handbook to help Christian leaders understand their strengths and weaknesses, using the Myers-Briggs (MBTI) personality indicator
Chaplaincy - a place for those who have sold out, can't hack church ministry and don't believe in mission? Against the negative stereotypes, this book argues that chaplains are a valuable resource to the Church.
Christians worldwide are learning new ways to connect their faith to everyday life.
'Workplace chaplaincy' is the term that covers the church's outreach to the economy which today takes many forms and is supported by many local ecumenical partnerships.
If it’s business that shapes the world, then how can we use it to shape the world for good and for God?
Rediscover the Bible's model of radical servant ministry from a much-loved Christian leader
Why are men and boys so under-represented in churches?
A key text for all interested in pioneer ministry, fresh expressions, church planting, church growth and ecclesiology
Help for church leaders to keep a strong spiritual centre to ministry as they are engulfed by the busyness of church life