Do You Control Your Phone—Or Does Your Phone Control You?
A user-friendly guide to doing ministry and mission online for existing and new practitioners.
Be equipped to engage with culture and use it for God.
Equipping children to thrive and survive in the digital jungle
A funny, informative book that gives the reader an insight into how comedy works and reveals why it’s so easy to get wrong (especially in the realm of religion)
What, you may ask, can a book written 2000 or more years ago on scrolls of parchment possibly have to say to us about social media?
An in-depth analysis of the various treatments of religion throughout every era of Dr Who’s history.
Ten essential questions for digital Christians
Helpful suggestions for how to use technology to glorify God in our lives.
In just a few years, Facebook has gone from nothing to a major feature of modern life. In this book Tim Chester tackles some of the challenges that social networking can present.