Contains 100 sweet, meaningful devotions that are fun and accessible for young children, so you can end the day by reassuring your child of God’s amazing love for them
Forty-nine five minute Bible stories, from Creation to Pentecost ideal for story times, bedtimes or assemblies
Adam and Eve live in God's wonderful garden. But find out what happens when they disobey God.
A creative retelling of Noah's Ark.
A Story about Elijah's Visit
The Story of Moses in the Bulrushes
A heart-felt Bible story about a young boy, who leaves his family farm, with half of his dad’s coins jangling in his pocket
An action-packed Bible story about Ben, who will never forget the day when his simple packed lunch became a picnic for thousands of people
Stunning illustrations bring to life the excitement and the adventure of David's day on the battle field, bravely facing Goliath.
Introduces this well-loved hymn to very young children as well as powerfully depicting the wonder of God's creation
Invites young readers aged 3-5 to join Teeny Mouse as she goes on a big adventure and discovers that all you need to be brave is right there inside of you