Here are 500 prayers for every occasion, written in a variety of styles, and are preceded by a short introduction where necessary.
A clever, compelling, and relevant manual that will give you everything you need to live successfully in the everyday world
Helping young people to develop their spiritual roots
Imagine if you had in one place material from some of the most well-respected writers for young people!
Written to inspire young people in their faith that their voice must be listened to
A guide for young people to help them grow in confidence as they navigate the sometimes perilous journey into adulthood
This engaging book provides refreshment and new ways of thinking for anyone who has grown weary or disillusioned with the vital tasks of working with and caring for young people.
Course to encourage the transition from Sunday school to church.
A superb resource to help guide young people to know, to understand and to live out Catholic Social Teaching
An exam survival guide including 20 daily Bible readings for stressed-out students.
Short authobiography of Dragisa Armus, a Christian humanitarian worker from the former Yugoslavia